Our Clients

We have a wide range of clients:
  • Housing associations
  • And municipality (State) Government
  • Health care institutions
  • Educational Institutions
  • Property investors / managers
  • Owners Association
  • Business
  • Industry
  • Maintenance Contractors
  • Waste and construction companiesn
  • Architects and consultants
  • Retail
  • Individuals

Maintenance and renovation of real estate is what we stand for. We are a full-service provider in the field of painting and performance and results-oriented facade maintenance. Results-oriented work with clients ensures reliable service and also gives an incentive to invest in each other and (process) to make improvements to optimize the common achievement, and certainly not least, to reduce failure costs to a minimum.

Therefore we are always looking for the match! We strive for a sustainable partnership. Feel free to make knowledge and advise you. You can contact us at.

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